Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The centurieth post!

O well...about 3.5 years of this insane writing spree, and a one year sabattical in between - and its time for the century - the 100 th post..I wanted to write something meaningful for this one (Yeah people I do realise, that I write useless $%%@ otherwise...) I was wondering what to write about and something happened last Friday, which made me extremely proud and made life seem profoundly meaningful in that moment..and it deserves to be here on this occasion...

I was going back from office with Shakthi and she tells me " Amma, today in school ma'm asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. X said he wants to be police, Y said doctor, someone said teacher and then they asked me and I said I want to be like my Mummy - everyone laughed at me. But when I grow up I want to be exactly like you Amma" - God! I cant tell you how emotional that made me feel...how much that one minute compensates for all the sleepless nights, for all the smelly diapers, for the painful delivery, for the transformed life, for the missed parties...for everything....

Motherhood rocks!! Its like this dark tunnel you keep manuevering thru, feeling like giving up every now and then, except for occasional moments of brilliance like these, that makes all the warm emotions of the universe just wrap you up in a neat cocoon and you want to go on, simply because there is a little finger holding your hand..and it needs you...I know ten years down the lane, as a teenager, she's gonna cringe at the sight of me and we're gonna have some crazy fights..I'm gonna hate every bit of it - just like I hated her toddler years...I'm pretty sure it'll have its own moments of brilliance..let see..you'll get to know if this blog survives :)Ok and here's the unglamorous part - the warm and fuzzy feeling lasted for about exactly 30 seconds till she threw a tantrum for a chocolate, making me wonder if she was getting manipulative and luring me with flattery..

Ok bloggie, you're now a big blog, 100 posts old and all, no more craving for attention, no more asking me to write posts often, no more wanting your sitemeter to tick faster... Act mature..But then you should also not think too much of yourself, because there are blogs out there that are so much better, so much more well written and have gone thru far more suffering. So as per my whim and fancy, I'll expect you to act grown up or like child - it all depends on the "situation"!!

Talk about mothers- they're all the bloody same...I am no different....


BlanyAshwin said...

so chweeet of Shakthi..... I expected her 2 say dat she wanted 2 be like Swamiji(:P) when she grew up...... but Shakthi took a wisedecision 2 b lik u... Sweet SSS family and let ur blog last as well.... and a big Congrats on ur 100th blog..keep dem comin Sowmya...

Anonymous said...

Oinkingly good stuff!!!

Wundergal said...

Thanks Blany - wise decision or not I dont know - I was definitely happy...Thanks for the wishes!

Oink: thanks for the oinkingly smart oink comment!


Anonymous said...

oh dear god, little S wants to be like Senior S!!! hmmm, that simply means that there is going to be another D in this world to keep little S on firm ground!! absolutely cute tho!
my little Dodo is growing up!